Monday, July 6, 2009

At the Hospital

Barb and I have been sitting in her pre-op room since 1 pm, having waited over 2 hours to get this lovely room assigned. It is 4:30 now and we are still waiting for the ever-important fluids to be administered by the ever-so-busy admitting doctor...he or she has already been paged 4 times. My normally jovial and affable self is seriously challenged right now.

Barb in the pre-op room - probably checking on the kids...

Oooh a doctor just showed up - but I suspect the wrong one. I'll update more later. - Gil


Julie said...

Many hugs and lots of prayers going out to you tonight. I pray you have peaceful sleep, like that is possible in a hospital, and we are praying specifically for skilled surgeon's hands tomorrow and Barb for you to come flying through this so you can put it all behind you.

Hugs and Love to all of you.

Julie, Emily and family

Amy said...

We're wrapping you and your family in love and prayer today. And many thanks to you, Gill, for updating the blog for all of us.

Unknown said...

Hugs and prayers going out to you all today! Thanks Gil for updating us!